In most of mankind's history, technology was the combination of our brain, fire, and spear.
In the evolution of time today the fire has become a nuclear reactor
and spears have been turned into atomic intercontinental missiles. At the same time, our brains have made incredible improvements in the age of ages. That is why in the twentieth century, after the discovery of a computer its shape has been decreasing. Initially the computer meant that the house-hold machinery. And today it is in our hands as a smartphone. But the invention of mankind is now at the forefront of its highest level of technology. To understand the matter, first things need to be discussed in some basic things.
How does the computer work?
There is a computer chip inside the computer. The basic modules inside the chip Basic modules are again made by Logic Gate. The logic gate is made up of some transistors. Transistor is the common unit for computer data processing. Transistor is essentially a switch that can turn off the data flow and turn it on. We use electric switches at home, on and off. The information in the computer is generated by bit. One bit of any of the two values can be 0 and 1 By increasing the number of bits, the number of information can be increased as 7 bits can contain 2 ^ 7 or 128 values. Likewise, it could contain 32 bits of more than ten million values.
Logic Gate is composed of multiple transistors. The logic gate is basically five - end, or, not, nand, nor There are also two exclusive logic gates - X and X. Nor. They also work very simple.
For example, if all inputs in an end gate are 1, then its output will
be 1, on the other hand, if any one input is 1, its output will be 1. In this way basic modules are made with some logic gate. You can add two numbers through basic modules, and you can also multiply when you add. And when you can multiply, you can calculate all kinds of mathematical calculations.
That is, you can compare computer activities to a seven-year-old child
that is solving very common mathematical problems, but a group of such
children can solve any type of astronomy problem from physics.The
size of a normal transistor used in today's computers is 14 nanometers
(one nanometer = one millionth of a meter) which is eight times smaller
than the HIV virus and five hundred times smaller than the red blood
cell. That is, it is increasingly going on at the atomic stage.
Quantum world is very different from our real world, there are many tangled events. The transistor's work is to control the flow of electricity. Electricity is the flow of electrons. But a Quantum-shaped transistor is unable to do this.
Because when obstructing the pathway of the electron, the electrons
will not be interrupted but disappear from this end and will appear on
the other side of the transistor. That is to say, no obstacles in the stream will work. This incident is called Quantum Tunneling.
To get rid of this problem, scientists have created Quantum Computer. Quantum computer system is not like ordinary computer. It works on the quantum scale.
Cubit using the Quantum computer where the bits are used on ordinary computers. Cubits like ordinary bits can be either of two values. Photon or electron is used as a cube. The focal length of the photon is marked as 1 or 0.
On the other hand, the downward rotation of the electron and the high
rectangles are marked as 0 and 1. However there is a twist here.
In case of a bit where a bit can be of only one quality (0 or 1), there can be two cubes at the same time. It is called superposition.
Because the direction of the direction of the light and the rotation of
the electron can not be convinced, except for guesswork. However, when you flip the photon through a filter or change the electron orbital, then they will accept any value.
And this superposition feature of Cubit has been used by scientists as
the speed increases. On the ordinary computer, when four bits can be one
of twenty sixteen possible values, all fourteen cubits can be of
sixteen quality together. As a result, you increase the number of cubits, the greater the efficiency of the calculation. All of the 32 cubets can be worth at least one million.
Another interesting feature of Cubit is Entanglement.
If the conditions of one of the two cubits related to each other
change, the other will change, although the distance between them is
equal to the distance from the Earth to the Moon. So you can easily change the value of all the cubes of a combination and change the value of one of the other. This process is called cubit manipulation.
In the logic gate where outputs based on the input quality, Quantum
Gate inverted cubebet reverses the possibility of superpositions and
creates another type of superposition.
That means, by managing some cubit in quantum gate, you can do several
calculations at the same time, where the general computer can only do
one calculation at the same time.
Two of the possible uses of Quantum Computer are Quantum Search and Quantum Factoring.
Quantum search is used on the database. To find a record on the database, the general computer may have to check all the records. But the quantum of the computer is able to find that data inside the square root (√) time.
Quantum Factoring You can compare the code by breaking it.
At this moment all your browsing history, passwords and all other
virtual stuff are stored on the Internet server, where you give the
relevant authority a public code to keep it, but because these
information is coded they can only see the signal. It can not hurt And you have a private key that lets you see and change the signal quality. In this case, the public key is a few hundred digit code which will take years of ordinary computers to crack. But you can get your private key cracked by public key within Quantum Computer. So, in the case of Internet Privacy Security, Quantum Computer Threats.
But its most successful use can be to create simulations.
It is possible to create a perfect simulation of proteins and DNA
through the combination of quantum physics with quantum algorithms,
which will revolutionize medical conditions.
Quantum computer casing is the golden coloring machine that can be seen in the above image. And the inner color chip is a quantum computer. And the black object is the Quantum Computer Container Chamber. Here the temperature is controlled.
Interestingly, the quantum computer can not be cooled without
temperature of 150 times more than the temperature of the atmosphere. That's why a chamber and so much equipment. Davev has made it with the help of NASA and Google. Currently, a number of Quantum computers are stored in NASA and Google's laboratory.
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